Age Element

Who is the treatment suitable for?

The HydraTight is a great treatment for men and women especially those concerned with fine lines, lax and loose skin whilst also wanting to improve overall skin health.

How does the treatment work?

Combining our RF skin tightening technology and the original HydraFacial, this treatment is ideal for rejuvenating and tightening the skin. It uses radio frequency to target deep into the layers, which results in the production of natural collagen, leaving the skin plump and radiant.

HydraFacial uses patented technology to cleanse, extract and hydrate the face and delivers botanical ingredients to the skin. The nutrients such as hyaluronic acid, horse chestnut seed extract, red algae extract, copper, zinc and magnesium peptides are infused into the epidermis leaving your skin glowing.  In addition, HydraFacial also delivers powerful antioxidants to counteract damage by free radicals – from pollution, sun damage and stress all of which can degrade the skin and accelerate the ageing process.

Why should I have this treatment?

After the HydraTight treatment you will expect to see more even, radiant skin  after just one treatment. The skin will feel instantly tighter with smooth results and hydration can be seen up to a month post-treatment especially when combined with an effective medical grade skincare regime and a HydraTight course.

Treatment Information

How many treatments will I need?

We recommend 4-5 treatments spaced out 4 weeks apart for optimal results. You may experience some temporary redness, depending on your skin’s sensitivity. HydraTight is a natural, safe way of creating a healthy glow. During your consultation we will assess your suitability for the treatment and answer any questions you have. 


What should I expect to see following the treatment?

The side effects of a HydraTight treatment are minimal. You may experience some redness and/or slight peeling depending on your skin’s sensitivity and which facial you’ve had. HydraTight is a natural, safe way of creating a healthy glow. During your consultation we will assess your suitability for the treatment and answer any questions you have. 


Now that you have enjoyed a Hydratight treatment, here a few tips for aftercare… Avoid Makeup, hot environments and heat (saunas, sun beds, intense workouts, hot yoga) for the next 48 hours. Avoid swimming pools for the next 48 hours. Application of SPF30 (min) is essential (but remember, this is ALWAYS essential!)